Arfin C. Thorkelson

Arfln C. Thorkelson was born in Valley City, November 27, 1886. When he was six he moved with his parents to Fingal, North Dakota, where he graduated from high school. He worked one year in the M. N. Olson Drug store. In 1906 he was named bookkeeper in the Bank of Leal, North Dakota, and so began forty years in the banking business in Barnes County. In 1908 he was bookkeeper in the old American National Bank of Valley City. The officers at that time were A. H. Gray, Pres. and James Grady, Cashier. In 1919 this bank sold its interest to the American Exchange Bank. Mr. Thorkelson remained as Cashier and Henry E. Nelson was President. In 1929 the American Exchange Bank and the Middlewest Exchange Bank sold their interest to the present American National Bank, Mr. Thorkelson being promoted to Vice-President while also retaining his position as Cashier. The bank was affiliated with the Northwest Bancorporation. In 1937 Mr. Thorkelson was made President and in 1952 elected Chairman of the Board of Directors. He gave generously of his abilities and time to numerous community, state and national activities. He was a member of the Congregational church, a Mason, former Chancellor Commander of the Local K. P. Lodge, Past Dept. ruler of North Dakota Elks, Director and Treas. for a number of years and Pres. of the Chamber of Commerce. Also held offices in the Salvation Army, Kiwanis and member of the Board of Education for 14 years.

"A. C." married Jennie R. Jones in 1910, she was a native of Iowa and came to North Dakota, with her father where they homesteaded. Jennie completed the requirements for her brother's homestead near Medina, North Dakota. She graduated from Valley City Normal in 1907. Four children were born to this union: Doris (Mrs. Arthur M. Lee) living in Green Valley AZ, they have two children; Beatrice (deceased); Charles A. of Redwood Falls, Minnesota, they have three children; Douglas of Hettinger, North Dakota, married Betty Jacobson of Bismarck, North Dakota, they have one son.

Arnfin C. Thorkelson passed away January 29, 1959 and Mrs. Thorkelson preceded him in death in 1955.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 248