Carl A. A. Pederson

In 1884, Carl A. A. Pederson, his wife, Andrea (Fredrickson), nine year old Carl Fredrick and his older sisters, Mathilda and Marie, migrated from Denmark to Iowa.

A few years later they moved to Barnes County, settling in Marsh Township where the Ted Zaun farm is now located. The farm was named "Rose Valley Farm" for the many rose bushes there. Over the years, the acreage increased to three sections.

The family increased with the arrival of Fred, Andrew, Terrance and Lewis.

Marie died as a young girl. Mathilda married George Miller. Carl Fredrick married Etna Hougard and they had seven children. Fred married Elisa Fagerstrom and they had four children. Andrew married Beulah Gabin and two children were born to this marriage.

Terrance was married to Alice Stenshoel and two children were born. Lewis, the last of the sons of Carl A. A. Pederson, married Alice Gabin and two children, James and Ralph, were born.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 192