Carl Norman Saugstad

Born February 2, 1906, in Nelson Township, Carl Norman Saugstad, was baptized and confirmed in the Sheyenne Valley Church, near his farm home. He attended school at Daily #1 and the North Dakota Agricultural College.

John Saugstad, a brother, born May 18, 1912, and Norman now farm as the Saugstad Brothers since 1938.

Norman, John and six other brothers and sisters assisted their parents in the farming operation. Starting with 280 acres the farm was gradually expanded to take care of an expanding farm operation which included cattle as well as small grains.

Mrs. Saugstad, the mother of Norman, passed away in 1939. Mr. Saugstad died in 1948.

Norman married Catherine (Katy) Gordetto Lang in February 1948. John Saugstad married Linette Blom in 1954.

Norman, Katy and his sister Signe, recently returned from a trip to Norway, where they visited relatives and friends.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 216