Denver V. Helland

Denver Helland was born August 26, 1913, at Havre, Montana, and moved with his parents to Preston Township, Ransom County, North Dakota, when he was six years old. He attended the local schools, and farmed with his parents. He also held various other farm-related jobs, and did some trucking.

Denver has one brother, Marvin, who was born in December, 1914. His sister, Harriette, was born in 1916, and passed away in 1950.

On October 12, 1940, Denver married Mabel Olson, daughter of John Olson's from Kathryn. They moved to Bremerton, Washington, where he was employed as a machinist in the Puget Sound Navy Yards during World War II. Later, they returned to North Dakota, and purchased the Olson farm. As time went on, they purchased more land and now farm 100 approximately 1,100 acres.

The Hellands have four children: Marlene is married to Tom Sagaser and they live on a farm near Jamestown. Deloris, R.N., is married to Larry Welken, and they live near Valley City. Dennis is at home. Donna works and lives in Fargo. There are seven grandchildren.

Dennis purchased the Clarence Helland farm near his parents. He and his father also raise beef cattle.

Denver is very much interested in our Government and world affairs. He has served on church and school boards and takes an active part in various organizations on the state and local levels, and is trying to do his share in helping to make this a better place for all to live. He remembers the grasshoppers and dirt storms of the 1930's, and feels that farming methods and ways of living have changed considerably since that time. Remarkable change has been made with the introduction of "Willie the Wire Hand" of R.E.A. and R.T.A. However, the peaceful country-side is much the same and our livelihood still comes from the soil, nature and hard work.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 100