Frank Bosch

Frank Bosch, Sr., came to the Barnes County area in about 1880. He homesteaded the quarter of land in Binghampton Township that Bernard Pfeifer is now farming. Mr. Bosch came from Gueresdorf, Austria, a small village near Vienna. He had a wife and two small children, Stephen and Mary. They stayed with his brother-in-law, Frank Sherman, who helped Frank Bosch build a one room house, lean-to, wood shed, and a shed for oxen and a cow.

The town of Fingal did not exist yet so all the groceries and supplies had to be purchased in Tower City, North Dakota, about 16 miles away. Many trips were made on foot and later on horseback with saddle bags thrown over the horse's back. The wheat he raised he hauled to the Marshes Mill south of Valley City, to be ground into a year's supply of flour.

When his daughter Mary was about 8 years old, his wife was killed in a haying accident and he was left alone with four small children, Stephen, Mary, Frank and Theresa. He married Marie Lindner and they had four more children, Joe, John, Anna and Sally. He farmed near Fingal all the remainder of his life and left a quarter of land to each of his eight children when he died May 12, 1931.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 35