Frank Glesner

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glesner and their two oldest children, Helen and Harold, moved to North Dakota from Scotland, Pennsylvania in October 1904. Before settling on the farm at Dazey, Mr. Glesner left his family in Valley City for a while and went west, looking for a place to settle. On returning to Barnes County, he traveled with a land company by horse and buggy and finally decided on making a home on a farm 5½ miles northeast of Dazey, North Dakota. Beulan, Arthur and Ruth were born on this farm which for some time was called the Maple Grove Farm.

Frank Glesner died in March 1950 and Mrs. Glesner passed away in July 1961.

Helen Glesner married Frank Hopper and they lived for some time in Oakland, California, and now live in Monrovia, California. Harold Glesner married Belle Beattie of Hannaford and they now live on their farm three miles east of Dazey. Beulah Glesner taught in North Dakota, and in Denver, Colorado, and now lives in Sacramento, California. Arthur Glesner married Irene Hansen of Dazey. They have one daughter, Evelyn Marie. Arthur retired from farming and the family makes their home in Cooperstown, North Dakota. Ruth Glesner has been associated with the Federal Land Bank of Berkeley and has recently retired. She makes her home in Berkeley, California.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 80