George Diemert

George Diemert was born in Canada December 13, 1865. He married Helen D. Schoenbeckler. They lived in Borup, Minnesota, for a while, then in Casselton, North Dakota, for several years before settling at Eckelson, North Dakota, where they lived from 1899 to 1912. George was a blacksmith. The family moved to Buffalo, North Dakota, in 1912. When their blacksmith shop and home burned down in 1920 they moved to Valley City as this community offered better schooling for the children. At Valley City George worked in Jonas Hetland's and Abraham Eckel's blacksmith shops. Their home was located at 105 Front St. (now Central Ave.). This block was sold to Curtis Olson when he was Mayor of Valley City. He, in turn, sold it to the city. The Chautauqua Building was moved to this location to be used in connection with the Winter Show. Their home being sold, the children all grown up and on their own, the parents moved back to Buffalo, in 1944. George passed away in 1947 and his wife passed away in 1952.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 57