Hans (Suby) Johnson

Hans Suby was born in Norway in 1842. When he came to the United States is not known. He served in the Civil War, and he often mentioned the thrill he felt at having the opportunity to shake hands with Abraham Lincoln. Through some error he was discharged from the army as Hans Johnson, and that was the name he was known by from then on. Caroline Johnson was born in Toten, Norway in 1843, and came to the United States with her parents when she was five years old. She and Hans Johnson were married at Rochester, Minnesota in 1866. In 1907 they moved to Thordenskjold Township, from Canby, Minnesota, and farmed near Nome for several years. In 1918 because of Mr. Johnson's ill health they moved to Kalispell, MT, where they lived until his death in 1930. Mrs. Johnson moved back to North Dakota living here until her death. She passed away in 1947 at the age of 104 years. Their children were; Otto, married Anne Evenson, Loury married Pauline Olafson, Henry married Clara Kolen, Mrs. Aaren (Helen) Knutson and Mrs. Toby (Ado) Torbenson. Otto and Loury lived in Barnes Co. all their lives.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 113