Harden Buck

In 1912, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Buck and Jesse Buck, Hardens brother, moved from Olivia, Minnesota, to Wimbledon, North Dakota. 

Harden was born April 17, 1879, in Forrest City, Illinois. Myrtie Fischer was born July 24, 1886, at Golden Gate, Minnesota. They were married September 15, 1904. Their first 2 children were born at Olivia - Earl, born July 23, 1908, and Harold, born September 3, 1910. Harold died October 18, 1910, at Olivia.

Because of Jesse's asthmatic condition, they left Minnesota and moved to North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buck, Harden's parents moved to Wimbledon in 1913 and lived in Barnes County for about 5 years. They then moved to northern North Dakota.

Jesse's asthmatic condition worsened and he died in March of 1920 during a flu epidemic.

Harden and Myrtle farmed in various parts of Barnes County for the rest of their lives except for 7 years when they lived in Dover Township, Griggs County.

Earl Buck farmed in Barnes County until 1956 when he and his wife Florence (married June 9, 1949) and their family moved to LaMoure County.

Harden and Myrtle had 5 more children Elsie, born April 14, 1915; Avalon, born January 16, 1918; LeRoy, born March 25, 1920; Myrtle, born August 23, 922; and Lorraine, born May 19, 1925.

Elsie married Harold Grotberg, April 21, 1935. They now farm in Anderson Township, Barnes County.

Avalon married John Knobel, August x,1959. They live in West Fargo.

LeRoy married Ruth Shape on June 12, 1945. They reside in Valley City.

Myrtle married Clyde Ellison, September 26, 1942. They lived in Jamestown, Litchville, and now live in Leonard.

Lorraine married Russell Shape on July 21, 1945. They farm in Anderson Township, Barnes County.

While living in Barnes County, the Harden Bucks celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1954 at the home of their son, Earl.

Harden died February 1, 1957, in Valley City. Myrtie lived with her son, Earl, until her death March 3, 1958, in Valley City.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 40