John Steidl

John Steidl and his wife Anna (Wurzer) with four sons and a daughter migrated from Geresdorf, Austria-Hungary to Binghamton township in Barnes County in 1881.

Here a stone house was built and the family began to make a home on the desolate and treeless prairie. They transplanted trees from the Sheyenne River valley. At the time that the family settled in Binghamton township, the nearest town was Tower City, which meant a long journey to purchase supplies.

Nine children in all were born to John and Anna:

  1. John A. married Mary Sherman;

  2. Michael married Anna Weber;

  3. Anthony married Rosella Schlegel;

  4. Frank married Anna Schrieber;

  5. Martin married Theresia Wuryer;

  6. Joseph married Theresia Schlegel;

  7. Ferdinand married Bertha;

  8. Roselia married Michael Puhr and

  9. Anna married Louis Moser.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 235