John W. Miller

John W. Miller born January 14, 1846 married Anna Catherine Loendorf, born April 16, 1848. The couple immigrated to the United States and their first child, Gertrude, was born at Copper Falls, Michigan on October 16, 1878. Moving to Barnes County, they settled in Hobart Township on Section 24. Here tour more children were born: Anna (May 12, 1880); Jacob (January 14, 1882); Catherine (January 20, 1885) and John M. on October 15, 1886.

Anna became blind at the age of eight years and died on January 25, 1919. John M. drowned in the Sheyenne River on August 8, 1909. Jacob married Hannah Munson and farmed the home place after the retirement of his parents in 1905.

John W. died May 31, 1921, preceded by Catherine, who had died December 19, 1920.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 159