Lars Larson

Lars Larson was born in Stavanger, Norway in 1872. At a very young age he came to the United States. Karen Fenstad was born in Stadsbygd Trandheim, Norway, in January 13, 1874. She came to the U.S. in 1892; working in Minneapolis and then moved to Valley City where she worked on a farm and met Lars Larson. Lars and Karen were married January 1900 in Valley City. They farmed near Valley City for some time and then moved to the Kathryn area in 1907 and armed there until 1918; then moved to Fingal and farmed for some time before moving to the Rogers and Sanborn area to farm. Lars Larson passed away February 23, 1935. Karen Larson worked for some time in Valley City before going to live with her one daughter (Jennie Moline) of Virginia, Minnesota, for twenty two years, and then made her home with her youngest daughter (Margaret Pederson) of Valley City for several years. She passed away June 13, 1974 at the age of 100½ years of age.

Lars and Karen were blessed with five children, two boys and three daughters.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 136