Lester Tope Sproul

Lester Tope Sprout has been actively engaged in the practice of law in North Dakota, with offices and residence in Valley City, since August 1925. He married Louise Bennett, a University of North Dakota graduate, in June 1926. During their summer vacations they do considerable traveling.

In addition to his general law practice he has taken an active part in City, County, and State governments, Fraternal Organizations, Churches, Schools and Colleges, American Legion, Rotary Club, Financial Institutions, and State, District, and American Bar Associations.

His work in Valley City and North Dakota is best summarized in the framed plaque presented to him by the North Dakota State Bar Association at its 1975 annual meeting, which states in part ". . . Lester T. Sprout, a member of the Legal Profession, has faithfully served this Association and the people of North Dakota for fifty years."

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 232