Matt Kronebusch

Matt Kronebusch was born in 1881 near Winona, Minnesota. His parents had migrated to America in 1830 from Luxembourg. Matt came to Barnes County in 1901 and farmed south of Urbana. He purchased land later which had once belonged to P. T. Barnum's brother.

In 1916 Matt married Isabel Lienhart. To this union were born six children: Donald, James, Gerald, Ilah Mae and Jean. One boy died in infancy. In addition, two nephews were cared for named Paul, and Wilfred.

Ilah Mae married Calvin Lettenmaier; Jean married George Kihne.

Matt was civic minded and held school, township and church offices during his lifetime. He passed away in June of 1971. Mrs. Kronebusch was also very civic minded and she served on the Sanborn Board of Education as well as other offices.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 131