Mike Winkels

Mike Winkels was born January 20, 1910 at Belfield, North Dakota, to Theodore and Mary Winkels. Fourteen boys and two girls comprised the children.

In 1933, at the age of 23, Mike married Olivia Fieber on September 25, 1933. Olivia was the daughter of Carl and Bertha Fieber of Cuba township. Ten children were born to the Winkels:

  1. Annette,

  2. Stanley,

  3. Mike Jr.,

  4. Charles,

  5. Bernard,

  6. Bernadine,

  7. Theodore,

  8. Rachelle,

  9. Carolyn and

  10. Thomas.

All the children attended school at St. Catherines and some went on to college. In 1969, after losing a hand in a corn-' picker, Mike sold the farm to his son .: Theodore and retired. Furniture upholstering and sewing are now their hobbies, plus traveling and family get-togethers. Mike says life is nothing but "just real happiness."

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 270