Norman Hoekstra

Norman Hoekstra was born at Marion, North Dakota, the son of Joe and Jennie Hoekstra. He grew up on a farm north of Marion, and attended the Greenland school. In 1946, Norman enlisted in the U.S. Navy. In March of 1951 he married Beata Opdahl. Beata was born on a farm south of Marion, the daughter of Carl and Julia Opdahl. She attended school at Marion. Beata was employed at the State Bank of Marion before her marriage, and still works there when extra help is needed. The Hoekstras are members of the Marion Lutheran Church. Norman is also active in community affairs. At the present time, he is a member of the Marion School Board, the Marion Lutheran Church Council, Chairman of Greenland Township, President of the Marion Equity Elevator Board, Chairman of the Barnes County F.H.A. Board, and a member of the Marion V.F.W. Norman and Beata have two daughters: Brenda, a graduate of Utah State Univ., where she was named to "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Belinda is a 1975 graduate of Marion High School where she was named to "Who's Who" among high school students. She was active in class government, dramatics, basketball, track and cheerleading. Belinda plans to attend the University of North Dakota in the fall.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 103