Norris Nelson

Norris Nelson was born at Fordville, North Dakota, May 7, 1913. The family moved to Svea Township in 1919, and Norris attained manhood here. He attended the Rosebud and Svea Schools.

On June 3, 1939, he married Alice Halvorson, She was born March 9, 1916, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Halvorson of Svea Township. She was educated as a teacher and taught at the Svea School.

On November 1 , 1940, Norris and Alice began farming, renting land from George Aandahl. In May of 1960, they moved to the Aandahl home farm and have remained there since.

To the union of Norris and Alice were born four children; Carol Jean (Mrs. Gary Miedema), Mary Ann (Mrs. Raymond Berntson), Philip and Gregory.

The Norris Nelsons are active in community affairs. They are members of the Elim Evangelical Free Church. Alice was a 4-H leader, and a member of the Svea Homemakers, serving as chairman of the Barnes County Homemakers Council. Norris was a member of the A.S.C.A. board for twelve years. He enjoys bowling for recreation.

The Nelsons have hosted two 4-H Exchange Students, a girl from Canada and a boy from Illinois.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 172