Oliver Brobst

Oliver Brobst was the son of William and Mary Anna (Kistler) Brobst, who had migrated from Pennsylvania to the West Liberty area of Iowa. Here Oliver grew to manhood and married Lillian Mae Tiers on April 29, 1902. They lived in Arkansas for a short time, returning to Iowa, where most of their eleven children were born, as follows:

  1. Lewis E, .(1903),

  2. Gertrude M. (1904),

  3. Vernon O. (1905),

  4. Mildred L. (1906),

  5. Albert L. (1911), and

  6. Dorothy M. (1912).

  7. Two more children were born at Dodge Center, Minnesota; Raymond F. (1913) and

  8. Ava L. who died in infancy in 1914.

The family moved to Sanborn, North Dakota in 1916, where Oliver purchased land in Section 32 and 33 in Stewart Township and later in Section 30 and Section 36 in Anderson Township. Vernon, Mildred and Dorothy now own the land.

Edward married Marjorie Thiel. Mildred married Henry Jerrison and they are retired. Albert L. (Leighton) farms in Anderson Township. Walter (the only child born in North Dakota) married Leona Fuchs, a sister to Vernon's wife.

Oliver and Lillian retired to Sanborn where Oliver passed away in August of 1961. Lillian then lived with Mildred for a while and died at the Sheyenne Hospital in August of 1963.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 36