Oliver E. Severson

Gertrude Severson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kasper Ben Lamfers, was born in Beerta, Holland in the year 1894. The Lampfers had three sons and two daughters born in Holland and one son born in Illinois.

In 1899 the Lamfers came to the United States, where their parents already lived. Mr. Lamfers worked by the day at a job for six years and then moved to a farm in Clarion, Iowa, where they farmed for thirteen years. After leaving Iowa the Lampfers purchased a farm near Wimbledon, North Dakota. In October 1915, Gertrude was married to Oliver E. Severson and lived on her parents' farm for a year and then rented a farm of their own.

The Oliver Seversons had three children: Kasper, who farms near Wimbledon; Ann, (Mrs. Harry Haugen) who lives in Sibley Trail Township, Barnes County, and Oliver J., who lives in Elma, Washington. The Seversons purchased a house in Valley City where they lived for a number of years. Oliver passed away in 1951. Two years later Gertrude sold her home and is now living in the Skyline Villa in Valley City.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 221