Philander Fletcher Satterlee

Philander Fletcher Saterlee was born in Gwen County, in Wisconsin, in 1866 of English and Scotch ancestry. P. F.'s wife, Marian Fetherstone, was born near Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario, Canada of English and Scotch ancestry.

Fletcher and Marian with their sons Frank and Herbert came to North Dakota, Litchville Community, late in 1903. They came by train to Dickey, LaMoure County, from Iowa where they had previously farmed. The journey to their new home in Rosebud Township was made by horses and buggy in 30 degree below zero weather. This farm, a quarter section, was purchased from Tom Casey, an early land dealer. In a one room house with very little furniture, the Saterlees set up housekeeping. The only other building was a small sod barn. Nearby was a 50 ft. well.

P. F. told that he was the first to bring a load of gravel for the streets of Litchville. He said the sidewalks were made of boards at that time. After about five years of good crops, the Satterlees were able to finish paying for the farm, buy some cattle and build a house. In 1909 the Satterlees and their four children went to Alberta, Canada, where they had heard about the rich farm land. After three years of little or no crops, the family returned to their farm in Rosebud Township, wiser but poorer. Frank, the oldest son, married Isabelle Gudmestad, daughter of another pioneer Litchville family. Frank attended the Agricultural College in Fargo where he learned all there was to know about steam engines. For a number of years, Frank was the engineer on threshing rigs. Frank and Belle bought a farm west of Litchville, from former U.S. Senator Frank White. Frank died on the farm November 19, 1964. Belle still spends part of each year on the farm.

Herbert farmed with his father, along with a quarter section nearby that he purchased. Herb. who never married, was the mainstay of his parents. After his death, Herb sold the farm, bought a little house in Litchville, where he hoped to enjoy some leisure years. He died in LaMoure hospital in the fall of 1970. Eleanor was born in the new house, the first Satterlee to be born in North Dakota. She married S. M. Burdick, then of Page, in 1929. They have lived in Grand Forks for 30 years. They have two children. Arthur, the youngest son, married Edna Dugan of Ayr, North Dakota in 1929. Marian Satterlee died at the farm home after a number of years of near-invalidism. P. F. passed away at the age of 101 years. The Community of Litchville has been good to the Satterlees, and P. F. and family helped to build Litchville and the Community into the thriving area that it is.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 214