Thomas Allen Davis

Thomas Allen Davis was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1879. He died in 1931. He came to North Dakota as a very young man and worked for the Northern Pacific Railroad as a Telegrapher for forty-five years. He served in the Spanish-American War as a Sergeant in Telegraph Communication in Puerto Rico. Mr. Davis was an official pallbearer at President McKinley's death.

When James W. Foley, Sr. died, Mr. Davis took over as manager of the De Mores' Estate and holdings in and around Medora and the Badlands. He married Gertrude Elizabeth Wood in 1902. She was a step-daughter of James Foley, Sr., and was born in Pennsylvania in 1884, and died in 1939 at Dickinson, North Dakota. They had four children, namely: Athenaise Medora Davis; Lysandra Marcia Debora Davis; James Foley Davis, and William Allen Davis. All survive except William who died in 1973.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 56