Wilbur J. McGuire

Edwin Luther McGee was born the 29th day of December, 1849, the son of James McGee and Katie Lord McGee. He grew to manhood in Sharon County, Michigan and there married Katie V. Campbell.

In 1874 they moved to Hunter, Dakota Territory with their two sons, Charles and Robert. They moved by train, rented a farm and lived at Hunter for two years before taking up a claim of 320 acres in Section 2 of Stewart Township.

Here they lived in a small granary until they could add to it and make a house. Here two children were born, James and Ann (Mrs. P. O. Ludvig).

Mrs. McGee was afflicted with a creeping paralysis and finally became an invalid. The family struggled along, with Edwin working at outside jobs while farming. Each fall he shipped in Carloads of Michigan apples and Keifer pears and sold them by the barrel in Valley City, Rogers, Dazey and Sanborn. He taught school using the 3 R system.

For health and social reasons they moved to Valley City each winter. In 1907 they sold their farm home and purchased a large tract of land in western North Dakota. This land was farmed from Valley City.

Edwin's most exciting experience was his near drowning when coming home from Valley City with a load of lumber. Crossing the river, the bridge gave way and the wagon fell into the river. Edwin caught a tree limb and saved himself. However, the horses drowned.

Katie Lord McGee died in 1908. Nine years later Edwin married Parmilla Schmoll.

Edwin McGee was proud of his ancestors and especially of his grandmother, who was married to a Doctor Lord in Ann Harbor, Michigan. Doctor Lord was the first person to own a brick house in Ann Harbor.

Edwin's choicest possession was a Bible he gave his wife Katie for Christmas in 1901. While he lived during the Civil War days, he was too young to enlist.

On the occasion of this 100th birthday, the Barnes County Pioneer Club gave him a party in his honor. It featured a "Money Tree" with 100 $1.00 bills pinned to the tree by the guests.

Edwin Luther McGee passed away in January, 1949 at the age of 100 years and one month.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 147