A Solution

Donald D. McFadgen, the first sheriff of Barnes County was a bachelor when he assumed office. The first courthouse had a single cell and McFadgen was charged with the maintenance of the cell. A very law-abiding community, Sheriff McFadgen had little to do at first. In December of 1879 he, as a joke, placed the following ad in the Northern Pacific Times:

$50.00 REWARD. I am induced to offer the above amount for the properly issued papers which will enable me to arrest somebody. The fact is, I'm disgusted with my solitary job of keeping the court house jail." Signed: D. D. McFadgen, Sheriff.

The next issue of the paper the editor printed an open letter to Sheriff McFadgen as follows:

Sheriff McFadgen County Jail

Valley City, Dakota Territory

Dear Sir:

Get married!

Signed, The editor.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 317