Theodore T. Jahr

THEODORE T. JAHR. Among the public officials of Traill county who are efficient, honorable and highly esteemed, the name of Mr. Jahr, county treasurer, should be given a foremost place. He is a gentleman whose interests are with his community and whose earnest labors for the advancement of Traill county, together with his excellence of character. have gained him the entire confidence of those among whom he has made his home for many years. He is proprietor of a fine farm in Norway township, and his residence is located in section 32.

Our subject was born in Freeborn county, Minnesota April 9, 1868, and was the second in a family of six children born to Troger and Ronong (Stererson) Jahr, both of whom were natives of Norway, and now reside in Norway township, Traill county, North Dakota. Four of the children are now living and reside in Traill county.

Our subject was the eldest son, and with his parents moved to North Dakota in 1882, shipping stock and other supplies, and the family located in Norway township, Traill county, and they farmed in common for some years. A division of the land was made in 1891 and our subject then began farming for himself. He is now the owner of three hundred and sixty acres of land, which is well located and improved, and furnishes a comfortable home. An artesian well supplies an abundance of good water, and the farm is admirably adapted to general farming. Mr. Jahr took a business course at Bruflat College, in Portland, North Dakota, from 1888-90, farming during the summer season and attending school during the winter months. He was elected to his present office as county treasurer in 1898 without opposition.

Our subject was married, in 1896, to Miss Esther Johnson. Mrs. Jahr was one of the best-known educators of Traill county, having taught there about ten years. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jahr, as follows: Johan C. and one unnamed (twins), both deceased; Richard T., born May 22, 1898, and Claudie Marie, born January 21, 1900. Mr. Jahr is a member of the United Lutheran church. Politically he is a Republican, but is a popular official regardless of party affiliations. He has served on the township board and takes an active part in public affairs and is rapidly gaining influence.

Source:  Compendium of History and Biography of North Dakota 1900 Page 219