Cooperstown's First Creamery

Early in 1888 the Cooperstown Creamery, a stockholder company, was organized.  A 46'x 66'building was erected on Meadow Brook in Block 15, about three blocks east of the high school.  The building consisted of an engine house, receiving room, cream, butter, a churn and cold room.  The appliances, according to a newspaper item, were Willard's best. The cream which was measured by the inch brought a price of 150 per pound or 7 per inch in May of 1888.

A.H. Ward was hired as the first manager and butter-maker by the directors.  Mr. Chris Aarestad brought in the first cream to the creamery.

The Cooperstown Creamery operated until March of 1889, when it was rented then sold to Freberg and Anderson of Mayville.  By October of 1889 Hammer and Condy had bought the creamery.  They rented it to various people.

According to the Courier December 22, 1893- "K. Thompson says parties are negotiating for the purchase of the creamery with a view of moving it to Bue."  That was the last mention of the first creamery.

Source: Cooperstown, North Dakota 1882-1982 Centennial Page 186