
Their Christian faith was important to the early settlers in Griggs County.  Histories of the area churches repeatedly tell about settlers conducting religious services at whatever times and places they could.  Names of various circuit-riding ministers were mentioned.

Years went by, and young men and women from this Community felt a call to go out and serve as missionaries in faraway places.

These accounts do not pretend to list every circuit-riding missionary who served the pioneer congregations, nor every missionary who went out from here to the ends of the earth.  Other names could be added:

Bertha Klubben

Clair and Berniece Ouren

Glen Hetland

Karen Helland Nordvall

and no doubt more. 

Space and time permitted only a few.  Incomplete as this sampling is, the stories tell something of the community's rich heritage.

Source: Cooperstown, North Dakota 1882-1982 Centennial Page 148