Karnak (Fairview)

Founded in 1910, was filed under the name of "Fairview" on April 10, 1912 by Luverne Land Company. Great Northern Railway track reached Karnak May 3, 1912.

The townsite of Karnak was located on land originally owned by Henry Curtis. Karnak Post Office was established February 27, 1913 with John J. Hogness as postmaster.

It was first named "Fairview" because the Sheyenne River Valley was plainly visible and gave a pleasant view. As the Great Northern Railway had another station by that name - "Fairview, Montana - another name was chosen. The railroad officials chose "Karnak," at random from a general list that the railroad engineering department had in their files.

It was named "Karnak" on November 20, 1912.

Source:  Cooperstown Diamond Jubilee 1882-1957 Page 56