Young People Had Dances

In and near Melville there lived many young people and a sociable lot they were, enjoying many good times together. Often in the winter evenings the Wisemans would make the rounds with their sled, over which was built a wooden box which was heated with a small stove. They would pick up the other young folks in the surrounding countryside and eventually wind up at one of the homes for singing, dancing, and cards.

In Carrington itself there were occasional social events in the early year of the town. The Kirkwood Hotel was built during the late summer and fall of 1883 and on Thanksgiving Day a grand ball was held to celebrate the hotel's opening. This beautiful hotel would undoubtedly be the scene of many parties during the winter and the winters to come. However they were brought to an abrupt end when the hotel burned a month and a half after completion. It was however rebuilt and was the site for many social functions.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 437