Henry A. and Sarah Anne (Galehouse) Soliday

H. A. Soliday, born in Pennsylvania on February 25, 1836. He married Sarah Anna Galehouse on November 29, 1860, in Ohio. Mr. Soliday had a merchandising business in Ohio. He came to Dakota in 1882 and settled and built a home where the townsite of Carrington would eventually be.

He was the county judge, also at one time, served as a county commissioner; was chairman at the time the courthouse was built.

He operated a merchandising firm, later becoming manager of the Kirkwood Hotel.

The Solidays had two children: George, who at one time, served as states attorney for Foster County; and Jessie, who became the wife of Dr. J. Ross MacKenzie.

Mrs. Soliday died in 1918. Mr. Soliday died in 1923. They are buried in the Carrington Cemetery.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 39B