Roy and Gertrude (Burk) Spickler

Roy Spickler was born on March 11, 1875, at Taylor Ridge, Wisconsin, and lived in that state until 1897. He then came to New Rockford, North Dakota, where he worked on a farm for one year and then homesteaded on Section 1 in Haven Township, Foster County, in 1898. He was married January 1, 1901, to Gertrude Ellen Burk, daughter of Charles and Eva Burk.

Roy and Gertrude had three children, two died in infancy. Upon the death of Roy's sister Emily, her daughters, Roberta and Ardath Moore came to live with the Spicklers. In their later years Roy and Gertrude lived with their son, Howard, in Larrabee Township.

Gertrude died on January 10, 1952; Roy died on April 22, 1963.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 57B