Joseph and Dora (Bult) and Matilda (Luttschwager) Topp

Joseph Topp was born August 23, 1846 at Mecklenberg, Germany. When he came to America he first settled in Wisconsin. Later he brought some of his sons to North Dakota and started them farming.

In 1871 he married Dora Bult.

They had one son John who lived at Grace City.

Dora Topp died in 1872.

In 1873 Joseph married Matilda Luttschwager.

They had six children: Gustave, Fred, Eli, Otto, Henry and Ellen.

Matilda died in 1883.

In 1884 Joseph married Johanna Radke.

They had six children: William, Ernest, Arthur, Benjamin, Carl and Emma.

Several of the children have lived in the Grace City area.

Mr. Joseph Topp died February 13, 1925. He is buried at Radcliffe, Iowa.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 65B