Charles Lee and Caroline (Hundley) Kyte

Charles Lee Kyte was born June 22, 1867, at Montague, New Jersey; his wife Caroline Hundley was born April 2, 1881, in Virginia. They were married at Montague, New Jersey in 1896 and came to Melville in 1904.

Mr. Kyte was a carpenter, a merchant, and postmaster. He served as township clerk and on the school board for many years. He was a correspondent for the Foster County Independent for many years. From 1908 to 1919 the family lived on a claim west of Melville, moving back to Melville in 1919 and lived there until they retired to Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

The Kytes had five children: Ila, James, Harry, Mary and Daisy.

Mrs. Kyte died April 8, 1957. Mr. Kyte died January 7, 1961. They are buried at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 85B