William and Lucite (Clancy) Zink

William Zink was born in 1929 to Oscar and Elain Elton Zink.

Lucite Clancy was born in 1932 to John and Frances Clancy of Valley City.

The couple have nine children: John, Ronald, Peggy and Patti (twins), Brian, Neil and Sheri, and two adopted sons Billy Joe and David.

The Zinks live on a farm in Rose Hill Township.

The family is very active in the church, school and community. Mrs. Zink is involved in many activities, one of her chief concerns is a youth center; she is also involved in the county history.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 103B

William Zink was born in 1929 to Oscar and Elain Elton Zink.

Lucite Clancy was born in 1932 to John and Frances Clancy of Valley City.

The couple have nine children: John, Ronald, Peggy and Patti (twins), Brian, Neil and Sheri, and two adopted sons Billy Joe and David.

The Zinks live on a farm in Rose Hill Township.

The family is very active in the church, school and community. Mrs. Zink is involved in many activities, one of her chief concerns is a youth center; she is also involved in the county history.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 103B