January 11, 1951 - Lawrence Utke and Raymond McDaniel went to Valley City on December 29 to attend a boxing match.

Misses Betty Johnson and Elsie Papenfuss left on January 2 to return to their work at Minneapolis after spending their vacation at their respective homes here.

Miss Ruth Johnson spent several days at Fargo last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hennings were Fargo visitors on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I.A. Juengling and Mr. and Mrs. John Cooley were dinner guests at the James Bronaugh home on Friday, December 28.

Mrs. B. M. Jones reports that her son Rolland with the air corps in Japan has been promoted to a Sergeant.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watne and Mr. and Mrs. John Hedquist were New Year's guests at the Adolph Gulstad home.

Elvin Isgrig of NDAC spent the weekend at his home here.

Jane and Doreen Holmen arrived home Friday after spending a week with relatives in St. Paul.

Edw. G. Johnson arrived home on Saturday, after two weeks vacation with relatives in St. Paul.

Mrs. Ed Watne entertained a group of ladies at a coffee party on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson and daughter Patsy and the former's mother, Mrs. Regina Thompson visited relatives and friends at New Rockford Wednesday, the latter returned on Friday by train.

Algot Erickson of Carrington, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Erickson and family of Binford were Sunday visitors at the Harland Erickson home.

Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Juengling visited relatives at Jamestown and Sharon last week.

J.H. Ewert arrived here Saturday to resume his teaching duties. He reports the highlight of his vacation was spending Christmas with his son, a member of the air corps, now stationed at Paducah, Kentucky. When Mr. Ewert left here he was under the impression that his son had gone overseas.

Mrs. Evelyn Hopley of Binford and Miss Janice Highley of Melville arrived Sunday to resume their teaching duties.

Mrs. Ed Watne left on Sunday to resume her teaching duties in Eastman district.

Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Posey left on Friday to visit at the Ed Posey home at Northhome, Minnesota, and with the James Jones family at Deer River, Minnesota.

Pauline Jacobson arrived home on Friday after visiting several days with relatives in Moorhead and Fargo.

LaDonna Short arrived home Saturday from New Rockford where she visited relatives during vacation.

Marlys Christensen returned to the STC at Valley City Saturday after spending her vacation at the parental C. L. Christensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Soma and son and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Lutz and family were supper guests at the Frank Paczkowski home on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Overbeck and Jackie spent Sunday evening at the John Jacobson home.

Ruth Johnson returned to her teaching duties at Grace City on Sunday.

On Wednesday evening the RNA met at the Ray McDaniel home with Mrs. McDaniel hostess. Six members attended, officers were installed with Elsie Johnson installing officer. The books were audited with Mrs. James Bronaugh the special auditor. Mrs. Hildur Johnson and Mrs. John Cooley were guests at the social hour following the meeting.

C.L. Christensen is suffering from a severe attack of flu.

Mrs. Elvy Isgrig and Mrs. Ernest Ryum drove to Jamestown on Monday where the former consulted a doctor. She has been suffering from a severe cold and cough.

Mildred Willows arrived home on Friday after spending several days with relatives at Carrington.

James McKinney and son Burdette of McHenry were greeting friends here on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gulstad, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooley and sons were dinner guests at the James Bronaugh home on Sunday.

Clayton Jacobson was an overnight visitor at the Adolph Balvitsch home on Sunday.

Mrs. Harland Erickson has received word that her brother Robert Hawkes who went to California the forepart of December has enlisted in the air corps.

Clarence Papenfuss went to Fargo last week where he enlisted in the Navy. Clarence is a veteran of World War II.

A.I. Sharpe attended a meeting of the REA officials at Carrington on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cooley were Carrington visitors on Thursday where they had dental work done. While there Mrs. Cooley visited her old friend and classmate, Mrs. Norton Bjerke.

While in town Monday Dr. Martin called at the James Bronaugh home to see little Jean who has been suffering from a cold.

Mrs. Gerald Anderson and son of Grace City spent several days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Utke.

The Homemakers club will meet at the James Bronaugh home on Wednesday, January 17 with Mrs. A. I. Sharpe the assisting hostess.

LeRoy Johnson drove to Kensal on Sunday to visit relatives and to bring his wife and sons home, as they had been visiting relatives there several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hennings were Sunday visitors at the Frank Hazlett home.

Lawrence Utke attended a meeting of the county soil conservation group at Carrington on Wednesday.

Russell Thompson took his grandmother to Sutton the latter part of the week. She had been a visitor in the Thompson home since before Christmas.

Mrs. L. O. Dunbar and Mrs. James Barclay were visitors at the Frank Hazlett home on Monday afternoon.

On Friday afternoon a group of relatives and friends gathered at the Oscar Feske home to help Mrs. Feske celebrate her birthday.

Doris Johnson spent several days last week with friends and relatives at Fargo.

Art Bartletts of McHenry were visitors at the Pearl Peters home Sunday evening.

Donald Veim of Cooperstown was a visitor at the Ed Willows home on Saturday.

Marcella Willows spent the week with friends near Cooperstown.

Source:  Glenfield History 1886 €“ 1987 Page 89