Constituting Convention Report

The constituting assembly of the Eastern North Dakota Synod was held June 5-7 at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota.

The theme "Come Share the Spirit" was felt throughout the assembly. It was a celebration of a new beginning of togetherness of the three uniting churches: ALC, AELC and LCA.

Our congregation is also a part of another new beginning. We are now part of the new Carrington Conference. We were formally in the Harvey Conference. Glenfield is in the center of the new conference which is bordered by Carrington to the west, and Cooperstown to the east. Our first conference assembly will be in November at Red Willow Bible Camp.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the assembly was the election of Wes Haugen as Bishop of our Synod. He was elected on the second ballot (of a possible nine). This was the earliest election of a Bishop to date, many Synods have had to go beyond the fifth ballot to elect a Bishop.

Dr. Chilstrom from the Minnesota Synod (LCA) is the newly elected Bishop of the ELCA, our national church.

In 1988, the Glenfield Lutheran Church congregation will celebrate ifs 700th Anniversary. It is the beginning of the new ELCA.

Luther League

In the church records we find that a Young People's Society was organized during 1912-1916, while Rev. W. Larson served as pastor. This group of young people was quite active for many years.

This same organization was later called the Luther League and was revived in 1945, with Inga Dybwad as advisor.

During 1959-60, the Glenfield League met on a parish basis with the Grace City and James River Leagues.

Since having a resident pastor our League has become more active having served several P. T.M. banquets, contributing to missions and this past year bought two road signs for our church. Some members attend the Red Willow Bible Camp each year.

The League has also sent delegates to national conventions at Moorhead, Minnesota.; Missoula, Montana; Billings, Montana; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The 1963 officers were: Jill Erickson, president; Irvin Walen, vice president; Herman Johnson, treasurer and Pastor Farup, advisor.

Present officers are: Sara Johnson, president; Kevin Gader, vice president and Marsha Walen, secretary-treasurer.

Sunday School

Where children of God gather together to worship, there must also be a place for the little ones, as in Matthew 19:14 (RSV) Jesus has said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

So it was about 65 years ago that the first Sunday School was started. Not much is recorded of the early meetings; however, the first teacher was Ed Ryum. Superintendents in later years included John Dybwad, Christ Larson, Oscar Walen and Mrs. H. G. Hendrickson. Mrs. Hendrickson served as teacher and superintendent for about 24 years. Mrs. Gust Erickson became superintendent in 1957, and still serves in that capacity. Other superintendents included:

Mrs. Gust Erickson, 1967

June Johnson, 1968-1974

Carol Walen, 1975-1977

Linda T. Johnson, 1978-1981 with Sharon Gader as co-superintendent

Ann Walker, 1982-1983

JoAnn Simenson, 1984-1985

and Leta Westerhausen, 1986-1987.

Enrollment varied during the years, but when Reverend Ordahl served this parish there were 89 enrolled in this Sunday School. Recently 93 have attended several years. Ten classes and as many teachers, who are mothers, fathers and young ladies of the church congregation, are willing workers.

With the large amount of material, space and advantages now, much contrast is noted, for years ago, distance, meeting places and few books were certainly great factors in the Sunday School's upkeep. Because of the large enrollment before and during the building of the new church, Sunday School classes were held uptown in a large building. Indeed it was wonderful to move into the new edifice and rejoice with the Lord.

Much gratitude, appreciation and thanks must be given early teachers and workers who with faith and God's guidance worked so diligently with His children to lead them on the upward way.

Vacation Bible School was started during the 1930s, and has been held regularly since. Sponsored by the Ladies Aid it is held for one week all day at the close of the regular school year. Teachers are volunteers among the mothers and the young ladies of the congregation.

We thank God for pioneers who laid the foundations for Christian homes, for building churches, and for being interested in the children to want them to continue to learn of God through the means of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.

1889: Foster County becomes part of the state of North Dakota on November 3. School district organized in Glenfield Township.

1895: "Billy" Sunday plays baseball with the Foster County nine. Ed Sunday, a brother, resident of the county is team manager. Fire breaks out in Sheyenne River Valley, threatening town of Sutton. Loaded wheat wagons in ploughed field are consumed near McHenry.

1899: Northern Pacific Railroad extends from Cooperstown to McHenry.

1900: McHenry becomes a major grain shipping center.

1902: January 14-17, severe blizzard rages with heavy loss in county (stock).

1912: Great Northern Railroad builds Fargo-Surrey cut-off through Foster County. It's route following closely that of Gov. I. I. Stevens in 1853. This branch went through Glenfield, Grace City and Juanita.

Source:  Glenfield History 1886 €“ 1987 Page 139