Binford Trinity Ladies Aid

The Trinity Ladies Aid was first organized in the year 1901 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Knapp.  Reverend E. T. Silness presided and led in devotion.  Mrs. Martin Knapp was elected first president of the aid.

On January 19th in the year 1905 the society was reorganized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Krogfoss.  Reverend Dybvig presided at the meeting and led in devotion.  The charter members were: 

Mrs. Martin Knapp

Mrs. Ole Krogfoss

Mrs. Oscar Greenland

Mrs. Steve Rorvig

Mrs. Dybvig

Mrs. Albert Alfson

Mrs. Henry Alfson

Mrs. Ole Alfson

Mrs. Norstrum

Mrs. John Vangen

Mrs. Thorvald Dahl. 

The following were elected officers at this meeting: 

Mrs. Ole Alfson....................... President

Mrs. Dybvig....................... Vice President

Mrs. Steve Rorvig....................... Treasurer

Mrs. Oscar Greenland....................... Secretary

The officers were to serve for one year.  The aim of the society was to help pay the expenses of the church and to help in general with all the affairs of the church.  They met every three weeks on Wednesday afternoons.  The meetings were conducted by the minister who also led in devotion.  At the meetings all the ladies were busy sewing, knitting, and making articles to be sold at the annual sale for the purpose of raising money for the church.  The sale was held in connection with the annual supper, which usually was held in the fall of the year.  This was served at the hall downtown, as they had no other place large enough to accommodate the crowd.  This of course meant an enormous lot of work.  Every member had to haul her table, chairs, dishes, stove, work table, pots and pans, tablecloths, yes, even the wash boiler and tubs down to the hall.  It seemed as though they almost emptied their homes.  Not having things convenient just doubled the work.  But these good pioneer women worked with great ambition and enthusiasm, not lagging behind nor shirking their duties in anything they thought was the for good of the church.  There was so much to be done and it was up to them to do it.  They served the whole town and community on these occasions, which brought in considerable sums of money.  The aid also held ice cream socials once in awhile during the summer months.  This also brought in some extra money.

During the first years there were dues to pay.  Each member paid $3.00 per year.  Later they changed this, each member to pay 250 at each meeting whether present or not.  This was not found to be very satisfactory either so all dues were dispensed with.

After the church was built the Ladies Aid helped to fix up the interior.  Pews were purchased by the Aid.   The organ, piano, altar statue and pulpit were also bought and paid for by the aid.

In 1920 a full basement was built under the church.  This was also paid for entirely by the Ladies Aid.  It has also been furnished by the Aid.  The ladies had for many years looked forward to having these spacious rooms where they could have their regular meetings and other social doings.  Since this was erected the aid has sponsored several silver weddings, receptions, bridal showers, and farewell parties.

In 1924 the whole interior of the church was redecorated.  This was also paid for by the Aid.  A new furnace was installed a few years later.  The Aid was asked to help pay for this, which they gladly did.

The Trinity Ladies Aid has been growing steadily until at present it has a membership of 43.  Two of the charter members, namely: 

Mrs. Steve Rorvig and Mrs. Albert Alfson are still active members.  The English language is now used entirely in conducting the meetings and devotions.  This change was made about five years ago.  Prior to that the Norwegian language was used to a great extent especially by the minister during the devotional period.  They are continuing the good work started by these pioneer women, doing everything in their power to help beautify the church, help pay minister's salary and budget.  They are always ready when called upon to do any service for the church and glad to know they are in the service of His kingdom.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 18