Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ven Huizen

An and Grace Ven Huizen were both born in Holland, in the northern province of Groningen.  Art was born on November 28, 1891 and came to America with his family in 1893.  Grace's family went to America in March of 1901.  Grace was 7 years of age.  Both families, although unacquainted, settled in the little town of Fulton, Illinois, on the banks of the Mississippi.  Fulton was distinctly a town comprised of mostly Dutch people.  After a few years the families both moved to farms in Newton Township where later they helped to organize and build the Newton Reformed Church.  The young couple met at the church and 31/2 years later were married on January 16, 1913.

An agent of the Denstedt Land Company, of Wimbledon, North Dakota, contacted families there.  As farm rent was high and farms were scarce it was arranged for several couples to go on an excursion to North Dakota, in August of 1913.  They were taken to see different farms, some of which were for sale.  Crops in North Dakota were good that year.  Several men were interested enough to go again later with more interested farmers and so in the spring of 1914 five families moved to North Dakota, the men going ahead with box cars loaded with horses, farm machinery and furniture, the wives going a week later.

Art and Grace Ven Huizen and baby Raymond rented the Tom Michaelson farm in Dover Township where they lived for 15 years.  The place was then sold, and being unable to rent a farm in Dover, they had to move to a farm SW of Courtenay.  They had three sons and a daughter at that time.  Another daughter, Ruth, passed away at the age of two.  They spent four years on that farm, and then they were fortunate in being able to again move to Dover on the old Barney Berlin farm.  This farm was well known for the big round barn.  A windmill in the center was used to grind the grain held in the bins upstairs.  A load of hay could be driven into the driveway and be pulled up in different directions on three tracks.  A few years after they moved there it was partially destroyed by a windstorm and was then torn down and replaced by a conventional barn.  Some time later they remodeled the big 13-room house and landscaped the yard.

By this time the Ven Huizen children were grown and married one by one.  RAY has a farm, is married, and lives in Hannaford.  He has three children, all married.

George taught school for 3 years, and then was in service for 31/2 years in World War II.  During this time he was married.  He went back to College at Washington University in St. Louis to earn his Master's degree.  At this time (1975) he is still teaching in Anoka, Minnesota, where he has been for 17 years.

Jim is married and lives in Fulton, Illinois.  He works in a shop and his wife teaches.  They have five children, two boys and three girls.  Shirley, the only daughter, taught for 2 years and was married in 1943 to Ken Johnson who is presently sheriff of Griggs County.  They have four children.

Art passed away on September 5, 1969.  Grace remained on the farm with Don, the youngest son, until his marriage 5 years ago, and now is comfortably settled in a very nice apartment in her hometown of Wimbledon.

Except for the 4 years spent at Courtenay the Van Huizen family has been residents of Dover for almost 62 years.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 289