Ben and Jorgen Bue

Ben and Jorgen Bue came from Titelness, Norway to Romness Township.  Their half-brother Carl W. Bue and their half-sister Alvida had come earlier.  Alvilda kept house for her brother Carl W. Bue before 1907.  She was also employed by others prior to her marriage in November 1909.  Ben and Jorgen Bue moved to Alberta, Canada, with others from Romness to file on homesteads.  They remained there for the rest of their lives.

Ben married Gudrun Holten on April 7, 1928.  They had one daughter, Connie, who lives at Medicine Hat, Alberta.  Both the parents died and are buried there.

Jorgen married a girl named Betty who came from Scotland.  He died in September 1932.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 390