The Anton Skramstad Family



Mr. and Mrs. Anton Skramstad were residents of Romness Township.  They lived on what is now the McCardle farm.  Anton Skramstad and Marie Onsager were married January 1, 1920, and lived in Cooperstown for three years prior to going farming in Romness Township.  They were active in community affairs, school and Township.  Mr. Skramstad was instrumental in getting several roads into the area, as some of the roads were hardly more than trails across the prairie in the early twenties.  Marie Skramstad, being a registered nurse, was called upon frequently to help in case of accidents, as, again due to transportation difficulties, access to medical aid was inconvenient.  She had served in World War I.

Marie Onsager Skramstad was born in 1888 at Northwood, North Dakota and passed away in 1934.  Anton Skramstad, born in Norway in 1883, became ill in 1936 and was hospitalized at San Haven, North Dakota from 1936 until his death in 1949.

Their only child, Anna Margaret, was born in 1921.  She lives in Fargo where she and her husband, Ordean K. Berg, have lived for the past thirty years.  Mr. Berg is a soil conservationist with the United States Department of Agriculture.  The Bergs have one daughter, Mary Jaylene, born in 1950, who is a pharmacist and is currently doing graduate work toward her doctor's degree, at the University of Kentucky at Lexington, started the latter part of June, 1975.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 407