The Herman Hovel Family

In 1886 Herman came to Moorhead and stayed with sister and brother-in-law, George Zimmerman.  In 1887, he came to this county.  He worked for a Mr. Sutherland (now Leonard Fritz Farm) and homesteaded in Tyrol Township.

Mary Zimprich had come to Griggs County to keep house for her brother, Edward Zimprich, Sr. who came homesteading.

In 1889 they were married.  They bought the adjoining 80 acres through the National Bank of Cooperstown in 1890.

In 1908 to 1910, Herman ran a livery barn in Jessie.  She helped care for horses that farmers would drive to town.  They also did some dray work, and had horses and rigs (double buggy, single buggy, surrey, platform spring wagons) for hire, and sometimes when someone wanted a driver she or Herb were allowed to drive.

Christine had copies of two shipments of cows made to St. Paul Minnesota.  The one for June 29, 1900 showed 18 head of cattle, total weight of car 15,390 Freight $41.15 yardage $4.50

 Hay $3.40

 commission $9.00 or total cost $16.90 for yard, the price was 26 3/40 per hundred.

Another showed 2 heifers Ca 240 brought less freight $3.28 Hay yard & Comm 1.  88

$29.52 - 5.16 $24.36 or $12.18 per head.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 455