Edwin Iverson Family

Edwin Iverson was born in South Dakota, August 15, 1889.  Millie Arneson was born in Romness Township on July 25, 1884.  Ed and Millie were married in Grand Forks in 1910.  They homesteaded near Bow Island, Alberta, Canada.  Crops were poor and the living hard so with their two small sons, Roy Maynard, born July 5, 1911 and Arthur Levi, born January 19, 1913, they moved by team and wagon to Montana.  There their third son, Aldo Clifford, was born on November 22, 1914.  (Arthur Levi Iverson died in 1935).

In 1915 Ed began working for Hammer-Condy Company in Cooperstown.  The next year he started farming.  The family lived on a number of farms including the E. S. Hamilton, Albert Stromme, Ayrea, Sola, and Martin Lunde farms.  In 1939 Ed and son, Roy, bought the Fluto farm.  In 1943 Roy married Clara Johnson, who had grown up in Canton, Ohio.  Roy and Clara farmed the R. W. Frazier (Young) farm one year, the Smith farm in Steele County two years.  In 1946 Ed sold out his half of the farm to Roy and Ed and Millie moved to Cooperstown.

Millie Iverson died in 1958.  In 1959 Ed married Ellen Arneson of Portland, North Dakota She was the widow of Arne Arneson, Millie's cousin.

Roy and Clara Iverson were the parents of three sons: 

Larry Allen, born September 12, 1945, Lynn Roger, born January 26, 1952 and Lee Thomas born June 9, 1954.

Larry married Janyce Zabel in 1971.  They have two daughters, Nikki Jo (1973), and Nikki Jo (1975).  Larry and Jan farm the home farm.

Lynn helped Larry on the farm for a year after his father, Roy's, fatal heart attack in 1970.  He married Ardella Ernie in 1973.  They have one son, Troy Daniel born in 1975.

Lynn and Lee will be partners in Iverson Brothers Automotive.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 484