Washburn Telephone Company

Petitions were drawn up and circulated by Nels Opheim, Emil Simenson, N. J. Qualey and J. C. Moe regarding purchase of telephone line in Washburn Township from Griggs County Telephone Company.  On April 8, 1922 the Constitution and By-Laws were written and the name chosen for the Washburn Township Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company.

This line, with Exchange Service furnished by Griggs County Telephone Company, served Washburn residents for many years.  As time went on many more repairs were needed and at the annual meeting of the Company on December 5, 1969 the decision was made to sell the Washburn Township Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company to the Griggs County Telephone Company.  In 1971 they replaced the old line with new underground wire and new instruments in each home.  After 49 years the Washburn Township Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company was disbanded.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 472