Hannaford Cemetery

In June 1962, a cemetery association was organized with the purpose of upkeep and care of the Presbyterian Cemetery west of Hannaford.  Officers elected to office at that time were

Mrs. Mabel Benson, president

Tom Daily, vice president

Mrs. Winnifred Hoffman, treasurer

 and Mrs. Lillian Steffen, secretary.

In the summer of 1970, records were found in the county court house listing the name of the cemetery as "Hannaford Cemetery."

The cemetery association meets once a year for a short business meeting.  The association hires young people of the community to do the mowing.

Present officers include

Rodney Palm, president

Don Campbell, secretary

Harvey Benson, treasurer

with Homer Benson as superintendent of the cemetery association.

The association met and determined there was a need for a gate and fence project to both protect and beautify the cemetery.  In the summer of 1988, the project was completed with the help of local volunteers and monetary contributions from those who have family buried here.

Source:  Hannaford Area History North Dakota Centennial 1889 - 1989 Page 68