Pastor Josef S. Halvorsen

Buxton, North Dakota

is a Priest in Hauges Synode. He was born in Decorah, Iowa, on August 31, 1870. His father, Pastor Johannes Halvorsen Maelum, emigrated from Hadeland to America in 1870 and lived in Franklin, Minnesota for seven years and in Sacret Heart for twelve years. He worked the entire time in Renville County, Minnesota and died in Lake Park, Minnesota. His mother, Marie Mersdatter Hytta, was from same region. She lives in Lake Park, Minnesota.

Halvorsen was educated at the Red Wing Seminar. He was ordained as a Priest in 1896 and came to Buxton, North Dakota in 1909. He has three Parish; in Buxton, Reynolds, and Mayville.

His wife, Nette Johnson, was born of Norwegian parents in Illinois. They have seven children.

The Pastor is a very interesting Norwegian and a pleasant Man.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 134
