K. G. Springen

Mayville, North Dakota

is of Numedalsaet ethnicity and was born in Rock Prairie, Wisconsin on August 2, 1844. His father, Gunder Laugen, was from Laugen Numedal and came over to America to Rock Prairie, Wisconsin in 1841. His mother, Sigrid Thorsdatter Baekhusmoen, was from Numedal. They are both dead. K. G. Springen came to Mayville 31 years ago. He has been president of the First National Bank in Mayville in many years. He has the automobile business under the name Springen Auto Company. He sells Dodge and Ford which go like "warm bread" and shortly will be found on every farm. Two of his sons, Henry and Gunder Springen, are in business.

His wife, Anne Ommestad, was born in America of Norwegian parents. Her father was from Land and her mother from Numedal.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 179
