Paul Andreas Vik

Fargo, North Dakota

works at St. Lukes Hospital. He is from Nissedal in Telemarken. He has a district school and seminar education. He came to America in 1910. He took a homestead and was there for 15 months. It was exactly a month from when he left his home until he settled down on a homestead. He came from there to Fargo, North Dakota. He took courses at Concordia College and at Aakers Business College. He was called upon to take over as manager of St. Lukes Hospital, and everyone says that he has done it with great capability. He has worked on the hospitals expansion with very extensive interest. When the scheduled new building becomes completed, Paul Vik will receive the honor of being the manager of one of the Northwest’s largest and best refurbished Hospitals.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 116
