Arne Hagen


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Born October 8, 1881, Arne Hagen is perhaps the oldest living man in the Cooperstown area who claims Griggs county as his birthplace. Arne's parents, Thor and Ingeborg Hagen, came to this country from Norway in 1880 and to Griggs county in the summer of 1881. Their first home was a sod hut but later they enjoyed the comparative elegance of a log cabin. This pioneer home was located in Sverdrup Township. Eleven children, two of whom died in infancy, were born here. Besides Arne, two are still living.

Mrs. Arne Hagen died March 31, 1957. Surviving besides her hus­band are the four daughters, Ingeborg Clauson, Norma Frisvold, Duna Frigaard and Arlene Colden.

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