Regardless of its self-identified communities, the musesum strives to be a good neighbor in its geographic area.

Question 1 of 4: Does the museum know its neighbors?

We qualify for basic (Bronze Certificate) if we can say: We have identified our geographic neighbors.

1. Do they mean the fairgrounds, community building, baseball diamonds and city park?

2. Do they mean the museums in Carrington, Hope and Valley City.

3. We could probably say yes to either one.

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say We use already-published resources (e.g., U.S. Census, Department of Education, chamber of commerce) to create profiles of its neighbors in geographic, demographic, or behavioral terms every five years or so.

1. We probably do not have the resources to do this.

We qualify for better (Gold Certificate) if we can say: We use neighborhood profiles to strategically develop appropriate activities.

1. We probably do not have the resources to do this.

Question 2 of 4: Does the museum respond to demographic, economic, social, and political changes in the community and region?

We qualify for basic (Bronze Certificate) if we can say: We are aware of major changes in our community or region.

1. We have very few changes.

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say: We are able to respond to some of the major changes in our community or region.

1. Oscar Zero was a change and we responded

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say: We respond to most of the major changes in the community or region.

1. What changes besides Oscar Zero?

Question 3 of 4: Does the institution work with other groups in the community?

We qualify for basic (Bronze Certificate) if we can say that: We are occasionally involved with our neighbors and community.

1. We are involved with Oscar Zero, Friends of Oscar Zero

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say that: We frequently work with our neighbors and community.

1. We could work more closely with the Community Club, Fairgrounds, Community Building in jointly promoting events.

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say that: We show leadership in working with our neighborhood and community.


Question 4 of 4: Does the museum allocate resources to serve the community and enhance quality of life?

We qualify for basic (Bronze Certificate) if we can say that (1 of 2): We are willing to make its facility available for community meetings as appropriate.

1. Should we set a fee charge for either the lobby, cold war meeting room or theater?

We qualify for basic (Bronze Certificate) if we can say that (2 of 2): We understand that we should be a community asset and aware of significant community issues.

1. We meet this requirement.

2. Could we help the courthouse issue more?

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say that (1 of 3): We participate in local activities and provide expertise.

1. We participate in the summer community days.

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say that (2 of 3): We offer opportunities for free admission.

1. We could promote this more.

We qualify for good (Silver Certificate) if we can say that (3 of 3): We take steps to reduce or eliminate negative effects on the environment, both as a good neighbor and as a steward of historic structures, landscapes, and collections.

1. We have lots of artifacts that are kept indoors out of the sun.

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say that (1 of 4): We provide scholarships for public participation in its fee-based activities.

1. ?

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say that (2 of 4): We are a catalyst for community forums.

1. Lots of possibilities here.

2. Movies at movie theater with discussion afterwards.

3. All special events and programs tend to do that.

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say that (3 of 4): The museum Staff take leadership roles in local activities.

1. Orv, Dennis, Bev and Jan all do this.

We qualify for Better (Gold Certificate) if we can say that (4 of 4): We serve as an example for reducing or eliminating negative effects on the environment.

1. I suppose geo-thermal would help.

2. Adding insulation

3. Adding motion detectors to minimize time the lights are on.